Geoffrey Britain, on Peter Wehner:
I’m quite able to admit that conservatives screwed up.
Speaking personally, I long ago criticized conservatives AND neocons.
Perhaps neither of us is quite what the other imagined the other to be. Ascertaining your true position would be easier if you abandoned your knee-jerk reaction to what you pre-suppose neocons to be.
Some pols show ‘independents’ increasing and I do see a gradually increasing # who feel that both parties merit censure. I attribute that to evolution. Yes evolution, specifically the integration of the two sides of the brain. Its a cliche but liberals do use the right side of the brain and conservatives the left. Independents are frequently accused of lacking core principles leading to indeciciveness. No doubt that was once true but over the last 20 years I think it more a case of having the ability to see both sides of the argument.
In fairness to the Bush administration, liberals and democrats have done more than disagreed, they have actively done all they could to undermine Bush’s efforts. In a time of war, that is unacceptable and insistence upon the WoT actually being a criminal matter is evidence of denial masquerading as principled opposition.
Liberal positions vis a vis terrorism are simply not logically tenable and liberals know it.
Simple proof of this assertion is liberal analysis, statements & acknowledgment of the inherent threat of Saddam and Islamic terrorism during the Clinton administration. Democratic politicians have placed partisanship above the nations security. They have much to answer for no matter how much they deny the patently obvious.
Bush might have done a much better job had he had a minimal amount of cooperation. Attempting to impose a democracy in the heart of the ME through Iraq was always problematic. It was simply deemed worth a try given the paucity of alternatives. It also served a far greater purpose, sending the message that the status quo had changed. A vital message completely undermined by liberals.
Responding to Islamic terrorism with overwhelming military force was, is and will remain the ONLY adequate strategy. it MUST be soundly defeated or it will arise again and next time, it will be far worse than 9/11.