Kate, on Peter Wehner:
There’s an easy way to tell if you are looking objectively at this election. Remember the debate on Friday night. If you think Obama won: you’re biased. If you think McCain won: you’re biased. Both candidates occasionally looked flustered, had slip ups, but more importantly, neither made any huge gaffes. Personally, I think that this race is far from over and I think Thursday night’s debate will be a surprise to many. I am honestly not a fan of Palin, but even a monkey could perform better than what is currently expected of her, add to that that Biden has a history of putting his foot in his mouth and I get the sense that this debate will be like a car crash, you just can’t look away. In terms of the economy, of course BOTH democrats and republicans are to blame. Neither camp’s economic strategy works all the time, the important part is finding a balance. We’ll see where the election goes from here, but, speaking as an undecided voter, I can only conclude that the race is far from over.