In the unlikely event that truth is relevant in this campaign, consider (for a laugh) the Guardian’s take on the new GOP robocalls [emphasis added]:
Three pre-recorded phone calls are making the rounds in swing states such as Missouri and Ohio. One chides Obama for holding a Hollywood fundraiser during the economic crisis, another attacks his abortion record, and a third says ominously that Obama has “worked closely” with Ayers – a claim debunked widely in the press.
What’s been debunked is the charge that the McCain campaign stokes racism at campaign rallies; as well as Sarah Palin’s secessionist record, along with her book-banning predilection, allegiance to Pat Buchanan, penchant for a creationist curriculum, and intra-familial baby swap. That Obama “worked closely” with Bill Ayers is a matter of public record, and could no sooner be debunked than could Obama’s history of worship in Jeremiah Wright’s church or his funneling large sums to questionable organizations such as Rashid Khalidi’s Arab American Action Network. Obama’s record of achievements is so tiny that, if you deny his professional ties to unrepentant radicals, you’d practically leave him with the resume of a fresh law school graduate.
What can be done–and is being done–is to ignore Obama’s unsavory associations. And it’s being done “widely.” Should Obama make it into the White House, ignoring his troubling sympathies will be considerably harder.