Gordon has already noted the Bush administration’s delinquency in regard to North Korea’s disclosure of its nuclear program. On the heels of this sham declaration agreement comes some deeply troubling news. If the Washington Note is to be believed, the Bush administration will be asking Congress to take North Korea off of the terrorism watch list. Here’s Steve Clemons:

During the day today, I spoke with officials from the State Department, the CIA, the Department of Defense, President Bush’s staff, and the Office of the Vice President — and several sources from these departments confirmed that the administration was moving forward on formally asking Congress to remove North Korea from the controversial watch list — which is seen as a key confidence building step by North Korea and China in moving towards North Korea’s eventual return to the nuclear non-proliferation club.

Having shown zero indication of their willingness to sever dangerous ties or amend roguish policies, North Korea hops off the list. George W. Bush is pretending that Kim Jon Il’s government is not a terrorist regime in hopes of being able to pretend it is not a nuclear regime?

According to Clemons, Dick Cheney’s is a dissenting voice. Let’s hope that all those theories about our wildly influential Vice President have a kernel of truth to them.

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