The world needs you, Joe:

Installing toilets and ensuring safe water supplies where needed throughout the world would do more to end poverty and improve world health than any other possible measure, according to a new UN study.

“Water problems, caused largely by an appalling absence of adequate toilets in many places, contribute tremendously to some of the world’s most punishing problems, foremost among them the inter-related afflictions of poor health and chronic poverty,” said Zafar Adeel, director of the UN University’s Canadian-based International Network on Water, Environment and Health, which released the study on Sunday.

Governments worldwide spend 6 to 16 percent of GDP on healthcare, while a solid showing of plumbers in the private sector could prevent millions of yearly deaths around the globe. It turns out plumbers can save more lives than spread-the-wealth politicians — which is perhaps why tradesmen and business owners should be free to spread the wealth around in ways of their own choosing.

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