Last night on MSNBC, Chris Matthews provided an indispensable peek into the chasm at the center of the Barack Obama candidacy. More than that, the following exchange between Matthews and his guest shows that most Obama voters are happy to live in that chasm. It was put-up-or-shut-up time for Obama supporter State Senator Kirk Watson (D-TX):

MATTHEWS: Well, name some of [Obama’s] legislative accomplishments.

WATSON: We, uh [stammers].

MATTHEWS: No, senator. I want you to name some of Barack Obama’s legislative accomplishments tonight if you can.

WATSON: [long silence] Well, I you know, what I will talk about is more about what he is offering the American people right now.


MATTHEWS: Sir, you have to give me his accomplishments. You supported him for president. You’re on national television. Name his legislative accomplishments, Barack Obama, sir.

WATSON: Well, I’m not going to be able to name you specific items of legislative accomplishment.

MATTHEWS: Can you name any? Can you name anything that he’s accomplishment as a senator?

WATSON: No, I’m not going to be able to do that tonight.

MATTHEWS: Well, that’s a problem isn’t it?

WATSON: Well, no I don’t think it is . . .

If a state senator supports Barack Obama despite knowing nothing of the candidate’s legislative credentials, what hope is there that the majority of Democratic voters can be convinced to care about more than “the fierce urgency of now”? This interaction demonstrates the monumental waste of time and effort in trying to convince America that Obama lacks substance.

The full clip is must-squirm viewing.

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