The New York Times editorial writers were the first liberals to slam Senate Democrats over budget delays. Pundits like Dana Milbank quickly followed suit. And now even Senate Democrats, understandably annoyed at the slow legislative agenda, are starting to take swipes at Sen. Harry Reid’s foot-dragging. Politico reports:

A growing number of Senate Democrats are anxious about the lack of a Democratic budget and the unusually slow legislative agenda, creating another headache for Majority Leader Harry Reid as he tries to protect his majority ahead of a daunting election year. “On the budget front, I’m not a happy camper around here,” California Sen. Dianne Feinstein told POLITICO. “I think we need to have a budget that we stand by.” “In the states, you can’t do this in the states — you’ve got to move,” said West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, a former governor up for reelection next year. “We’re hoping we will.”

The problem for Reid is that any budget that is acceptable to the left-wing of the Democratic Party will likely include massive tax hikes that are unpalatable to the rest of the country. Politically he is in a tough position, but that doesn’t mean he should be allowed to keep delaying the process. Now that his Democratic colleagues are starting to complain about the lack of progress, Reid is not going to be able to postpone a budget for much longer.

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