To the Editor:
In his response to Alan F. Wes-tin’s article “Anti-Communism & the Corporations” [“Letters from Readers,” April], Arthur McDowell cites the Socialist activities of his youth, and his current connection with Dr. Fred Schwarz’s Anti-Communism Schools, as proof of “social-democratic” and “liberal” participation in Schwarz’s programs. Let me point out, however, that it is now approximately twenty-three years since Mr. McDowell ceased to be a member of the Socialist party. Only seven years elapsed between Mussolini’s break with the Italian Socialist party and the March on Rome; would anyone maintain that Mussolini’s leadership of that march was proof of “social-democratic” or “liberal” participation in it? This is not to suggest, of course, that Mr. McDowell is an incipient Mussolini; he is not. His participation in Dr. Schwarz’s programs, however, tells more about where Mr. McDowell stands today than it tells us about Dr. Schwarz.
As for Dr. Schwarz himself, I’ve heard him speak and have read his literature, and in my opinion the man is nothing more than a shrill peddler of “anti-Communist” snake oils. He shows no real political understanding and seems to think largely in terms of devilish conspiracies. Considering his approach, it is hardly surprising that Robert Welch of the Birch Society has said, “The Fred Schwarz schools have already done a superb job of laying the groundwork for us.” (Quoted in an article by Dana McGaugh of the San Leandro Morning News, reprinted in the East Bay Labor Journal, Oakland, California 1/26/62.)
Irwin Suall
New York City