To the Editor:

Perhaps Rabbi Weiner ought to make up his mind. One moment he is ashamed of being a Reform Rabbi, and the next he is aggressively proud of it [“A Mission to Israel,” August ’63]; one moment he feels at home only in the small Hasidic shul and finds the Liberal service “sterile,” and the next moment he is advocating importation of mens’ clubs and ladies’ auxiliaries to Israel. At the beginning of the article he claims that his sole purpose in coming to Israel was to help the Hebrew Union College set up its study program. By the end of the article he is making a speech about Reform Judaism’s place in Israel.

It is no wonder that Orthodox Jews in Israel and even Orthodox readers of COMMENTARY in the U.S. feel, in the words of Rabbi Kuk, that his work needs “further clarification.”

Lawrence Kaplan
Far Rockaway, New York



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