To the Editor:

I was exceedingly interested in Sidney Hook’s excellent article in the March Commentary on “Intelligence and Evil in Human History.”

. . . In this article Professor Hook tackles one of the most basic of philosophical problems. What I admire is the frank realism of his thinking. .Man, both in the present and in history, must be taken as he is, a composite of good and evil, but able to make some distinction between good and evil, and thus to make certain judgments concerning his own behavior and certain choices as to what he will do. .It is easy to be defeatist and pessimistic about man. .It is almost as easy to be vapidly optimistic. To be resolutely realistic and scientific is Professor Hook’s way and the right way.

Incidentally, I feel that you are maintaining ar exceedingly high standard in Commentary, not only with such articles as Professor Hook’s but quite regularly.

Bryn J. .Hovde

The New School
New York City



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