To the Editor:

It is surprising that Robert M. Seltzer, in his discussion of recent books on American Jewish history [“New Looks at American Jewish History,” August], neglects to include Jewish-American History: An Encyclopedia, edited by Jack Fischel and Sanford Pinsker (Garland, 1992). This reference survey of the Jewish experience in America has received unanimous praise from reviewers and was selected by the Association of Jewish Libraries as the best reference book of 1992. It is not my intention to diminish the importance of Howard Sachar’s A History of the Jews in America or the five-volume The Jewish People in America, sponsored by the American Jewish Historical Society, which Mr. Seltzer does discuss, but to make the point that an article that purports to summarize the current literature on the American Jewish experience has failed to include an equally important work. The result is that the reader comes away with an incomplete awareness of the current literature on the subject. . . .

Jack Fischel
Millersville University
Millersville, Pennsylvania

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