To the Editor:

One appeal from an Ohio member of Youth of All Nations, and one from a “YOAN-er” in Kiriat Borocov, Israel, prompt, in turn, this appeal to readers of COMMENTARY to extend the value of that excellent magazine.

Linda of Ohio (age fifteen) writes how happy she was at seeing, after quite a wait, an envelope from a letter-pal in Israel. Then the lament: “This letter would be only the second I had received from her. And I was really hurt to have her ask me to send her comics and movie magazines. Frankly, I feel sorry for her if all the literature that she can enjoy are these types of magazines. I would be glad to send her something that might help her. . . .”

Yoan is a non-political, non-profit membership organization which has been praised in Congress for its program of helping the young to understand nations and cultures other than their own, through the only medium readily available to the vast majority of mankind—the international mails. . . .

Whoever wants the name and address of a YOAN-er waiting for magazines (this includes many a teacher, too), please send us a self-addressed—and stamped, please—envelope, and say whether you wish to send your copies to Israel or elsewhere (requests for periodicals are also heavy from Europe and Asia).

Clara Leiser
Youth of All Nations, 16 St. Luke’s Place
New York City



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