Sushi and Other Jewish Foods by Alan L. Mintz Like the communal and religious setting in which it occurs, today's Jewish cooking is in a most instructive state of…
Elusive Prophet, by Steven J. Zipperstein by Alan L. Mintz Like other creations of the postwar era, Israel has recently been shaken by sweeping political changes.
Hebrew in America by Alan L. Mintz The great migrations that began at the end of the last century brought many foreign languages to these shores, but…
Agnon Without End by Alan L. Mintz The translation for the first time of a major work by S.Y. Agnon (1888-1970), the greatest writer in modern Hebrew,…
A Major Israeli Novel by Alan L. Mintz During the first fifteen years following World War II, the Holocaust did not figure as a major theme in serious…
New Israeli Writing by Alan L. Mintz THE state of Israel was conceived by force of a messianic vision, but its existence has been maintained by order,…
The Future of the Jewish Community in America, edited by David Sidorsky by Alan L. Mintz Three years ago the American Jewish Committee, sensing a need for a general re-evaluation of policy, established three study-commissions to…
The Seduction of the Spirit, by Harvey Cox by Alan L. Mintz Har Cox's first book, The Secular City, sold a half-million copies and was the most widely discussed book on religion…
Unsecular Man, by Andrew M. Greeley by Alan L. Mintz In his most recent book Andrew M. Greeley takes on the ghost of positivism and tries once and for all…