Memo to the New President by Amir Taheri Although the "arc of crisis" still presents a daunting challenge, there is now a foundation to build on, and the…
Is Israel the Problem? by Amir Taheri With the Middle East in crisis from end to end, analysts focus on one rather peripheral dispute.
Getting Serious About Iran: For Regime Change by Amir Taheri The ayatollahs cannot change their spots; they can only be defeated and replaced—and they can be.
The Real Iraq by Amir Taheri Journalists and armchair strategists present one image; the country itself presents a very different one.
Defending and Advancing Freedom by Amir Taheri To commemorate COMMENTARY's 60th anniversary, and in an effort to advance discussion of the present American position in the world,…
Defending and Advancing Freedom by Paul Berman, Max Boot, Niall Ferguson, Francis Fukuyama, Frank J. Gaffney, Victor Davis Hanson, Owen Harries, Mark Helprin, Daniel Henninger, Stanley Hoffmann, Paul Johnson, Robert Kagan, Rich Lowry, Edward N. Luttwak, Martin Peretz, Richard Perle, Daniel.Pipes, Richard Pipes, David Pryce-Jones, Arch Puddington, Natan Sharansky, Amir Taheri, Ruth Wedgwood, George Weigel, James Q. Wilson, R. James Woolsey and Reuel Marc Gerecht To commemorate COMMENTARY's 60th anniversary, and in an effort to advance discussion of the present American position in the world,…