Defenseless America by Angelo Codevilla When, this past April, Hezbollah forces in Lebanon launched waves of short-range ballistic missiles (Katyushas) at northern Israel, President Clinton…
Excellent Cadavers by Alexander Stille; Comrade Criminal by Stephen Handelman by Angelo Codevilla For most of this century, one enduring piece of conventional political wisdom has been that “partnership” between business and government…
Naked Unto Our Enemies by Angelo Codevilla The crisis over North Korea's development of a nuclear arsenal has—or should have—brought us face to face with two hard…
A European Wave of the Past by Angelo Codevilla During the 1950's, Christian Democratic parties, bastions of anti-Communism and of the modern welfare state in its moderate or conservative…
At the Highest Levels, by Michael R. Beschloss and Strobe Talbott by Angelo Codevilla In 1989 the historian Michael Beschloss and the journalist Strobe Talbott quietly asked a large number of American and Soviet…
The Euromess by Angelo Codevilla Just a year ago, as representatives of the twelve governments making up the European Community (EC) met in the Dutch…
Dangerous Liaison, by Andrew and Leslie Cockburn by Angelo Codevilla This book is no less than a history of the world since 1948, with the United States of America cast…
The Commanders, by Bob Woodward; Hazardous Duty, by John K. Singlaub by Angelo Codevilla Why should these two books be read together?
KGB: The Inside Story, by Christopher Andrew and Oleg Gordievsky by Angelo Codevilla Just as people in Palermo, Sicily, shy away from discussing the Mafia, most people who live under the Soviet system…
By Way of Deception, by Victor Ostrovsky and Claire Hoy by Angelo Codevilla When the government of Israel asked a Canadian court to prevent the publication of By Way of Deception it guaranteed…