Tenured Radicals, by Roger Kimball by Anita Susan Grossman nyone familiar with the ongoing debate on humanistic education sparked by Allan Bloom's The Closing of the American Mind, E.D.…
An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood, by Neal Gabler by Anita Susan Grossman The overall thesis of this long, meandering book is that the immigrant Jews who started the American film industry had…
The Faraway Music, by Svetlana Allilueva by Anita Susan Grossman In the flurry of publicity surrounding the return of Stalin's daughter Svetlana Allilueva to the Soviet Union in October 1984,…
The Exile: A Life of Ivy Litvinov, by John Carswell by Anita Susan Grossman Ivy Low Litvinov (1889-1977) has long deserved to be the subject of a book, as much for her life as…
The Brothers Singer, by Clive Sinclair by Anita Susan Grossman The publication of The Brothers Singer by Clive Sinclair, an English novelist and critic, brings some welcome attention to the…