Political Justice, by Otto Kirchheimer by C. Peter Magrath BEGINNING WITH THE succinct observation that "Every political regime has its foes or in due time creates them," Professor Otto…
“Nine Deliberative Bodies” A Profile of the Warren Court by C. Peter Magrath The Warren Court, which in 1956 and 1957 seemed to determined to wield a civil liberties sword at every opportunity,…
Principles, Politics, and Fundamental Law, by Herbert Wechsler by C. Peter Magrath This volume is to be commended for rescuing four important essays by one of the eminent figures in American constitutional…
The Supreme Court Review 1960, edited by Philip B. Kurland; The American Supreme Court, by Robert G. McCloskey by C. Peter Magrath Modern Americans, enlightened by the writings of legal realists such as Justice Holmes and Jerome Frank, not to mention the…