The Jewishness of Franz KafkaSome Sources of His Particular Vision by Clement Greenberg Much of the strangeness in Kafka's writing can well be attributed to his neuroses, and beyond them to a personality…
On the Horizon: The Sculpture of Jacques Lipchitz by Clement Greenberg Through earlier and more securely placed as a contemporary master, Jacques Lipchitz has not yet enjoyed a boom as concentrated…
Work and Leisure Under Industrialism:The Plight of Our Culture: Part II by Clement Greenberg High, highbrow, genteel, academic (in the original sense), or aulic culture is now pursued by a relatively small number of…
The Plight of Our Culture:Industrialism and Class Mobility by Clement Greenberg T.S. ELIOT'S most recent book on a non-literary subject, Notes Towards the Definition of Culture, proceeds largely on the assumption,…
Self-Hatred and Jewish Chauvinism:Some Reflections on “Positive Jewishness” by Clement Greenberg ONE looks into oneself and discovers there what is also in others. A realization of the Jewish self-hatred in myself,…