My Jewish Childhood by Dan Jacobson Growing up in a small South African mining town had its share of rewards--and looming threats.
Lithuanian Pastoral by Dan Jacobson A tour, guided and unguided, of a Jewish graveyard that "used to be."
Of Time and Poetry by Dan Jacobson A literary work of any depth arises from experiences which are hard to comprehend and articulate. In the act of…
Illness as Metaphor, by Susan Sontag by Dan Jacobson ARE we responsible for the illnesses from which we suffer? Do the most serious of our illnesses reveal moral and…
Final Entries 1945: The Diaries of Joseph Goebbels, edited by Hugh Trevor-Roper by Dan Jacobson NOT even the publishers of Final Entries 1945 claim that the diaries which Joseph Goebbels kept during the last two…
Among the South Africans by Dan Jacobson THE FLIGHT. On the plane from London to Johannesburg there were no fewer than two relations of mine, neither of…
Sinyavsky’s Art by Dan Jacobson Our consciousness fills up all the space available to it, with whatever materials are at hand. It cannot do otherwise.
Herzl’s Fate by Dan Jacobson In its general outline the story or legend of Theodor Herzl is well-known.
H. G. Wells: A Biography, by Norman and Jeanne Mackenzie by Dan Jacobson H. G. Wells was the son of a professional cricketer and of a housekeeper to a wealthy family. Mrs. Wells,…
The New Philistinism by Dan Jacobson Poets, Shelley wrote, are the unacknowledged legislators of the world. The quotation is embarrassingly well known. Few of those who…