Are American Jews Still Liberal? by Earl Raab American Politics has been steadily taking a more conservative turn.
No Jewish Split on Israel by Earl Raab In the last half-dozen years alone, there have been about a dozen reputable studies of American Jewish opinion on Israel.
American Jews and Israel – A Symposium by Lionel Abel, Robert Alter, Daniel Bell, Eric M. Breindel, Joel Carmichael, Paul Cowan, Werner J. Dannhauser, Midge Decter, Maurice Friedberg, Murray Friedman, Nathan Glazer, Irving Greenberg, Ben Halpern, Mark Helprin, Milton Himmelfarb, Erich Isaac, Rael Isaac, H. J. Kaplan, Hilton Kramer, Edward N. Luttwak, Michael A. Meyer, Jacob Neusner, William Phillips, Daniel.Pipes, Richard Pipes, Dennis Prager, Earl Raab, Eugene V. Rostow, Jonathan D. Sarna, Peter Shaw, Seymour Siegel, David Singer, Max Singer, Steven L. Spiegel, Roger Starr and Marie Syrkin Never, perhaps, has criticism of the state of Israel by American Jews been so open, so widespread, and so bitter…
Is the Jewish Community Split? by Earl Raab According to Time magazine in September, "Most American Jews are apprehensive, if not heartsick about the anguished debate that has…
The Election & the Evangelicals by Earl Raab Since last year's presidential campaign, many political observers have expressed deep concern over the growing political power of orthodox Christian…
The Message of Proposition 13 by Earl Raab THE Jarvis-Gann Constitutional Amend- ment, limiting property taxes in Cal- ifornia, has touched off
What Is a Liberal-Who Is a Conservative? A Symposium by Lionel Abel, Jervis Anderson, William Barrett, David T. Bazelon, Pearl K. Bell, Ronald Berman, Norman Birnbaum, Joseph W. Bishop, Midge Decter, Edward Jay Epstein, Charles Frankel, Carl Gershman, Nathan Glazer, Eric F. Goldman, Walter Goodman, Sidney Hook, H. Stuart Hughes, Alfred Kazin, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Robert Lekachman, Carey McWilliams, Martin Mayer, Michael Novak, William Phillips, Earl Raab, Diane Ravitch, Harold Rosenberg, Richard H. Rovere, Bayard Rustin, Thomas Sowell, Roger Starr, Ben J. Wattenberg, Paul H. Weaver, James Q. Wilson, Peter P. Witonski, C. Vann Woodward and Dennis H. Wrong Commentary recently asked a group of 64 intellectuals: Are you satisfied with the way terms like liberal and conservative, or…
Is There a New Anti-Semitism? by Earl Raab American Jews have been experiencing "a certain anxiety" since about 1967. General political violence was then at a peak.
Is Israel Losing Popular Support? by Earl Raab Perhaps the clearest lesson of the Yom Kippur war is that Israel is now almost absolutely dependent on the United…
An Appointment With Watergate by Earl Raab As the witnesses testified before the Ervin Committee, one could hear the rustling of a two-hundred-year-old American ghost. The Watergate…
The Election and the National Mood by Earl Raab The reasons underlying Senator McGovern's defeat in the 1972 elections had been thoroughly analyzed long before the polls opened on…
Quotas by Any Other Name by Earl Raab In March 1971, the San Francisco School Board decided to eliminate a number of administrative positions. The school board formally…