Defending and Advancing Freedom by Eliot A. Cohen To commemorate COMMENTARY's 60th anniversary, and in an effort to advance discussion of the present American position in the world,…
What To Do About National Defense by Eliot A. Cohen Great struggles leave their marks on the institutions that wage them.
How to Fight Iraq by Eliot A. Cohen As I write in early October, war may well lie before us in the Persian Gulf.
Warrior, by Ariel Sharon with David Chanoff by Eliot A. Cohen One comes to this book with many suspicions. Ariel Sharon, after all, enjoys a rather unsavory reputation even in many…
Deception, by Edward Jay Epstein by Eliot A. Cohen Deception is a seductive subject, as any magician worth his salt knows. It is not true that all people love…
Territory of Lies, by Wolf Blitzer by Eliot A. Cohen On November 21, 1985, the United States government arrested Jonathan Jay Pollard, a junior civilian employee of the Navy, on…
Strategy, by Edward N. Luttwak by Eliot A. Cohen Among civilian defense analysts, Edward Luttwak has no peer. In part this is because he is quite inimitable.
Churchill at War by Eliot A. Cohen Nearly half a century ago Winston Churchill rallied the people of Great Britain with words that have not lost the…
Game Plan, by Zbigniew Brzezinski by Eliot A. Cohen This reviewer must confess to having some initial doubts about a book whose dust jacket sports endorsements from both Richard…
Do We Still Need Europe? by Eliot A. Cohen For an American to suggest that we should investigate our strategic interest in Europe can sound positively subversive--tantamount to repudiating…
“Peace for Galilee”: Success or Failure? by Eliot A. Cohen A complete and satisfying history of Israel's war in Lebanon, "Operation Peace for Galilee," will not come into our hands…