Germany’s Worst Enemy by Emil L. Fackenheim “Those Who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
The State of Jewish Belief by Jacob B. Agus, Eugene Borowitz, Emil L. Fackenheim, Marvin Fox, Solomon B. Freehof, Mordecai M. Kaplan, Jacob Neusner, Jakob J. Petuchowski, Chaim Potok, Emanuel Rackman, Herman E. Schaalman, Seymour Siegel, Ezra Spicehandler and Herbert Weiner The State of Jewish Belief - A symposium
Judaism & the Meaning of Life by Emil L. Fackenheim In the eyes of Judaism, whatever meaning life acquires derives from this encounter: the Divine accepts and confirms the human…
On the Eclipse of God by Emil L. Fackenheim The ancient belief that the Divine is with us cannot, it is said, be sustained in the face of these…
Kant and Judaism by Emil L. Fackenheim However much the revealed morality of Judaism and the rational morality of pre-Kantian philosophy may quarrel about the content of…
Apologia for a Confirmation Text by Emil L. Fackenheim It is unusual nowadays for serious thinkers of any kind to address themselves directly to an audience of children, but…
The Dilemma of Liberal Judaism by Emil L. Fackenheim THE liberal Jew of today is in a dilemma. His Jewish conscience urges him to look for an authority which…
Jewish Existence and the Living God:The Religious Duty of Survival by Emil L. Fackenheim THE modern Jew is an enigma to himself. When he reflects on his existence as a Jew, he cannot but…
The Great Jewish Books, edited by Samuel Caplan and Harold U. Ribalow by Emil L. Fackenheim THE Jew of the age which produced Hitler and the State of Israel has almost necessarily a powerful sense of…
Can There Be Judaism without Revelation?Israel's Relation to the Divine Is Central by Emil L. Fackenheim "NOW Mt. Sinai was altogether on smoke, because the Lord descended upon it in fire; and the smoke thereof ascended…