Bosnia: Is It Too Late? by Eugene V. Rostow Bosnia: Is it too Late? Yes: Patrick Glynn No: Eugene V. Rostow
A False Start in the Middle East by Eugene V. Rostow The morgues of newspapers are filled with reports on plans which successive American administrations had hoped would produce peace between…
American Jews and Israel – A Symposium by Lionel Abel, Robert Alter, Daniel Bell, Eric M. Breindel, Joel Carmichael, Paul Cowan, Werner J. Dannhauser, Midge Decter, Maurice Friedberg, Murray Friedman, Nathan Glazer, Irving Greenberg, Ben Halpern, Mark Helprin, Milton Himmelfarb, Erich Isaac, Rael Isaac, H. J. Kaplan, Hilton Kramer, Edward N. Luttwak, Michael A. Meyer, Jacob Neusner, William Phillips, Daniel.Pipes, Richard Pipes, Dennis Prager, Earl Raab, Eugene V. Rostow, Jonathan D. Sarna, Peter Shaw, Seymour Siegel, David Singer, Max Singer, Steven L. Spiegel, Roger Starr and Marie Syrkin Never, perhaps, has criticism of the state of Israel by American Jews been so open, so widespread, and so bitter…
Why the Soviets Want an Arms-Control Agreement, and Why They Want It Now by Eugene V. Rostow In its potential significance, the Reykjavik summit can be compared to the Cuban missile crisis of 1962 among the Soviet-American…
The Case Against SALT II by Eugene V. Rostow Over the last century, the yearning for peace has given rise to the belief that disarmament agreements, or agreements for…
The American Stake in Israel by Eugene V. Rostow The place of Israel in the evolution of American foreign policy since 1945 is a cautionary tale for all who…
America, Europe, and the Middle East by Eugene V. Rostow The October war in the Middle East was a Pearl Harbor, an explosion which revealed acute tensions between reality and…