Re-Possessed by Gary Saul Morson The greatest depiction of woke totalitarianism was written 150 years ago in Russia
Solzhenitsyn Warned Us by Gary Saul Morson The great Russian writer understood the West and predicted its future with frightening precision.
The Return of the ‘Useful Idiot’ by Gary Saul Morson and Morton Schapiro Being progressive doesn't save you from the totalitarian's bloodlust.
Joseph Epstein’s Brief for the Novel by Gary Saul Morson Review of 'The Novel, Who Needs It?' by Joseph Epstein
Why College Kids Are Avoiding the Study of Literature by Gary Saul Morson Students wisely reject the humanities when they’re taught badly. There’s a better way.
The Pevearsion of Russian Literature by Gary Saul Morson Distressing but popular new translations of Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, and others threaten to dishearten and distance new generations of readers from…
Tangled Loyalties by Joshua Rubenstein; The Bones of Berdichev by John and Carol Garrard by Gary Saul Morson “This wolfhound century has hurled itself upon my shoulders, but I have no wolfish blood running in my veins.”