Refighting the Wars of Religion by George Weigel Do free societies require a “Great Separation” between politics and the biblical tradition?
Europe’s Two Culture Wars by George Weigel What happens when radical relativism meets mass Muslim immigration.
Defending and Advancing Freedom by Paul Berman, Max Boot, Niall Ferguson, Francis Fukuyama, Frank J. Gaffney, Victor Davis Hanson, Owen Harries, Mark Helprin, Daniel Henninger, Stanley Hoffmann, Paul Johnson, Robert Kagan, Rich Lowry, Edward N. Luttwak, Martin Peretz, Richard Perle, Daniel.Pipes, Richard Pipes, David Pryce-Jones, Arch Puddington, Natan Sharansky, Amir Taheri, Ruth Wedgwood, George Weigel, James Q. Wilson, R. James Woolsey and Reuel Marc Gerecht To commemorate COMMENTARY's 60th anniversary, and in an effort to advance discussion of the present American position in the world,…
Defending and Advancing Freedom by George Weigel To commemorate COMMENTARY's 60th anniversary, and in an effort to advance discussion of the present American position in the world,…
The Cathedral and the Cube: Reflections on European Morale by George Weigel To understand the continent's political incapacity, it helps to look beyond politics.
The Morality of War by George Weigel Does there have to be "another way"? Sometimes, as in Iraq, military force is the better way.
Comes the Millennium by George Weigel In New York City, the Rainbow Room atop Rockefeller Center is already booked solid for the night of December 31,…
Capitalism for Humans by George Weigel Democrats are made, not born; and so are democratic capitalists.
The Next American Nation, by Michael Lind by George Weigel This past winter, Michael Lind, erstwhile research assistant to William F. Buckley, Jr., quondam contributor to COMMENTARY, the Public Interest,…