How the PLO Was Legitimized by Jeane J. Kirkpatrick Some leaders win power through inheritance, some through elections, some through civil war or coup d'etat. Yasir Arafat and the…
U.S. Security & Latin America by Jeane J. Kirkpatrick While American attention in the past year has been focused on other matters, developments of great potential importance in Central…
Dictatorships & Double Standards by Jeane J. Kirkpatrick The Classic Essay That Shaped Reagan's Foreign Policy
The Parties, by Henry Fairlie by Jeane J. Kirkpatrick LONG before Watergate, Richard Nixon, and Spiro Agnew, politics ranked low on opinion scales of admired professions in American life.…
Why the New Right Lost by Jeane J. Kirkpatrick In the years between 1969 and 1975 Kevin Phillips, William A. Rusher, Patrick J. Buchanan, and Richard J. Whalen all…
Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream, by Doris Kearns by Jeane J. Kirkpatrick It has been nearly a decade since the first public reports that then President Lyndon Johnson, one of the most…
Power Shift, by Kirkpatrick Sale by Jeane J. Kirkpatrick The notion that the various geographic regions of the United States are inhabited by people who share some distinctive interests…
Breach of Faith, by Theodore H. White by Jeane J. Kirkpatrick With his account of the decline and fall of Richard Nixon, Theodore White, that indefatigable chronicler of national political life,…
Pyramids of Sacrifice, by Peter L. Berger by Jeane J. Kirkpatrick Social scientists have frequently been criticized for their preoccupation with the present, and their fondness for static models and static…
Taking Sides, by Richard J. Whalen by Jeane J. Kirkpatrick That American political parties are pragmatic rather than ideological is not only a truism, it is also the premise of…
Political Organizations, by James Q. Wilson by Jeane J. Kirkpatrick As recently as a decade ago discussion of American government by political scientists was dominated (though never preempted) by a…
The Revolt of the Masses by Jeane J. Kirkpatrick Last year's Presidential election differed from elections of the recent past not so much because of how people voted as…