Broken Covenant, by Moshe Arens by Joseph Shattan By now, the fact that George Bush came into office determined to cut Israel down to size, both figuratively and…
Summing Up, by Yitzhak Shamir by Joseph Shattan Toward the close of the 1991 Madrid peace conference, the Syrian Foreign Minister, Farouk al-Sharaa, startled his fellow delegates by…
Arabia, the Gulf, and the West, by J.B. Kelly by Joseph Shattan The recent outbreak of fighting between Iran and Iraq, and the manifest inability of the United States to influence events…
The Rabin Memoirs, by Yitzhak Rabin by Joseph Shattan Because its defense is of such crucial importance to the state of Israel, a Defense Minister wields an enormous amount…
The Spanish Revolution, by Burnett Bolloten by Joseph Shattan The Spanish Civil War engaged the passions of an entire generation of European and American anti-fascists.
Exile and Return, by Martin Gilbert by Joseph Shattan In a recent article on the fate of the British empire, Sir William Haley, the former editor of the (London)…
The First Duce, by Michael Ledeen by Joseph Shattan The period in European history between the two world wars has often been called the fascist epoch, yet even today…
Why Breira? by Joseph Shattan Ever since the end of the Yom Kippur War in October 1973, pressure has mounted around the world for a…
A History of Israel, by Howard M. Sachar by Joseph Shattan Howard Sachar's monumental study, which deals with the history of Zionism, the rise of Arab nationalism, British diplomacy in the…
Adolf Hitler, by John Toland by Joseph Shattan The disparity between Adolf Hitler's enormous power and influence, on the one hand, and the repellent character of his life,…
Diplomacy for a Crowded World, by George W. Ball by Joseph Shattan George Ball, who was Undersecretary of State under Presidents Kennedy and Johnson and is currently a partner in Lehman Brothers,…