Tradition and Reality, by Nathan Rotenstreich by Marvin Fox The conviction that the Jews possess a fixed and unchanging tradition is woven into the very fabric of classical Judaism.
Jewish Philosophy in Modern Times, by Nathan Rotenstreich by Marvin Fox Attempts to define the essence of Judaism have been made recurrently by Jewish thinkers over the centuries.
After Auschwitz, by Richard L. Rubenstein; The Religious Imagination, by Richard L. Rubenstein by Marvin Fox God may be dead, but the Jewish people must live, although they are not a chosen people and there is…
Humanistic Values in the Bible, by Zvi Adar by Marvin Fox Matthew Arnold, writing in "Culture and Anarchy" of the "ineffaceable difference" between Hebraism and Hellenism, concluded that "the face which…
The State of Jewish Belief by Jacob B. Agus, Eugene Borowitz, Emil L. Fackenheim, Marvin Fox, Solomon B. Freehof, Mordecai M. Kaplan, Jacob Neusner, Jakob J. Petuchowski, Chaim Potok, Emanuel Rackman, Herman E. Schaalman, Seymour Siegel, Ezra Spicehandler and Herbert Weiner The State of Jewish Belief - A symposium
Rediscovering Judaism: Reflections on a New Theology. Edited by Arnold Jacob Wolf by Marvin Fox Nine contemporary Jewish thinkers are represented in this collection of essays--each seeking in his own way the meaning and relevance…
Ancient Jewish Philosophy, by Israel I. Efros by Marvin Fox Israel Efros's significant contribution consists of an original and illuminating account of biblical and rabbinic metaphysics, which he then uses…
Worship and Ethics: A Study in Rabbinic Judaism, by Max Kadushin by Marvin Fox This book is an attempt to give a new understanding of rabbinic ethics, a field of study which has been…
The Rise of Reform Judaism, by W. Gunther Plaut by Marvin Fox This valuable collection of source materials is designed to acquaint the reader with the primary forces in the development of…
Ben Emunah li-Khefirah [“Between Faith and Heresy”], by Ephraim Shemuell by Marvin Fox Mr. Shemueli's account of the 17th-century controversy between Leon da Modena and Uriel da Costa constitutes the major part of…
The Natural and the Supernatural Jew, by Arthur A. Cohen by Marvin Fox In this book, Arthur Cohen asks that Judaism and the Jewish people be restored to their historic role as God's…
The Story of Jewish Philosophy, by Joseph Blau; and The Jewish Mind, by Gerald Abrahams by Marvin Fox It is encouraging that serious scholars, who do not specialize in Jewish studies, should turn their attention to Jewish thought.