October Surprise, by Gary Sick by Michael Ledeen For the substantial segment of the American intelligentsia which has still not digested Ronald Reagan's presidency, October Surprise offers some…
Iraq’s German Connection by Michael Ledeen On January 31, 1991 Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher of Germany addressed the Bundestag on the matter of the Gulf War.
The Curious Case of Chemical Warfare by Michael Ledeen On the first of March of this year, the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, William Webster, observed that the…
Chekisty: A History of the KGB, by John J. Dziak; On the Wrong Side: My Life in the KGB, by Stanislav Levchenko; Secret Servant: by Michael Ledeen For many years, books about the KGB were relatively rare. Now all of a sudden we are waist-deep in them,…
Veil, by Bob Woodward by Michael Ledeen Despite the near-total lack of documentation for most of Bob Woodward's tales in this book about the CIA under the…
Morality, Reason, and Power, by Gaddis Smith; The Uncertain Crusade, by Joshua Muravchik by Michael Ledeen These two books--which have in common only their price--are useful reminders of the Carter Presidency, and both help us, albeit…
Fighting Back by Michael Ledeen IN THE 1970's the Soviet Union em- barked upon an ambitious program of using proxy forces to expand its
How to Support the Democratic Revolution by Michael Ledeen Whether demanding that we sever all economic ties with the Union of South Africa, or that we pressure Philippine strongman…
The Lesson of Lebanon by Michael Ledeen Less than two years ago the PLO's military base in Lebanon was smashed by the Israeli armed forces, and dozens…
The Price of Power: Kissinger in the Nixon White House, by Seymour M. Hersh by Michael Ledeen This very long book is the latest sally in the war of a certain segment of the journalistic elite against…
The Bulgarian Connection and the Media by Michael Ledeen The attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II in the spring of 1981 should have produced a frenzy of activity…
Keeping Faith, by Jimmy Carter; Crisis, by Hamilton Jordan by Michael Ledeen Rarely has a President passed so quickly and so thoroughly from public memory as has Jimmy Carter; his memoirs, Keeping…