Kennedyism at Rest by Midge Decter The passing of a man who became the “Lion of the Senate” because he could not be more, as he…
Socialism’s Nine Lives by Midge Decter The long, dismal history of the Left's great creed has culminated in a "stupid" anti-Americanism.
Remembering Robert Warshow by Midge Decter The cultural critic wrote little and died young, but for grace and penetration (and companionship) there was none to compare.
That These Dead Shall Not Have Died in Vain by Midge Decter A memorial day in Jerusalem rouses thoughts of America's bloodiest war, and what it took to win it.
Missing Mary McCarthy by Midge Decter Beautiful, famous, and clever, she would have had great sport with the new books about her.
The Kubrick Mystique by Midge Decter From quirky talent to official genius: the late director's career as a parable of Hollywood.
What Are Little Boys Made Of? by Midge Decter Having placed every masculine trait and standard under interdiction, now we get to live with the results.
Southern Comforts by Midge Decter In the company of Dixie's best sons the pleasures flow easily, and so, too, does a certain poisonous sanctimony in…