On the Horizon: The Juggler: Hollywood in Israel by Nathan Glick THE story of Israel seems, on the surface, a natural for Hollywood. It is, after all, an epic of pioneers,…
On the Horizon: Chaplin’s Film Romance by Nathan Glick HAPLIN'S Limelight celebrates old fashions. In terms of craft, it invokes the English music-hall comedy style on which Chaplin was…
On the Horizon: Leo McCarey’s Authoritarian Film by Nathan Glick Postwar anti-Communist films like The Iron Curtain, The Red Danube, and I Was a Communist for the FBI proved to…
On the Horizon: When Do You Call It Treason? by Nathan Glick Before the French Revolution, wars were usually conducted by professional armies whose interests were those of any working group: high…
On the Horizon:“The Last Illusion” and “Teresa” by Nathan Glick IN TWO recent films-the American Teresa and the German The Last Illusion -America's legendary innocence and optimism are again contrasted…
The Study of Man: American Realities and Sociological Methods: New York’s Puerto Ricans by Nathan Glick BETWEEN them, the social scientists and the business market "researchers" have bred a cultural behemoth: the interminable questionnaire. Merely to…
Marquand’s Vanishing American Aristocracy:Good Manners and the Good Life by Nathan Glick John Phillips Marquand is, alas, our most accomplished novelist of manners.
The God-Seeker, by Sinclair Lewis; Intruder in the Dust, by William Faulkner; The Grand Design, by John Dos Passos by Nathan Glick
Tomorrow is Beautiful, by Lucy Robins Lang; The Autobiography of Sol Bloom; American Spiritual Autobiographies, edited by Louis by Nathan Glick