The Intelligent Radical’s Guide to Economic Policy, by James E. Meade by Oscar Gass James Meade, a former president of the Royal Economic Society, has published (in England) one of those rare economics books…
China, Russia & the U.S.: II by Oscar Gass China's standing among the nations has been on a steep downward course from the time of American heavy combat commitment…
China, Russia & the U.S. by Oscar Gass In these next years, a grave political and moral problem for the United States, in its relations with other countries,…
Tensions and Conservatism in American Politics by Oscar Gass During this third year of Lyndon Johnson's Presidency, the United States has continued to grow richer in goods and stronger…
The Literature of American Government by Oscar Gass Henry Michel addressed his great book, "The Idea of the State," to "... sincere minds...who search to see clearly in…
The U.S. Economy-1966 by Oscar Gass The beginning of the understanding of the American economy during 1966 lies in the clear perception that nothing fundamental in…
Britain Under Socialism by Oscar Gass Since October 1964, Britain has been ruled by a Labour government--in high doctrine socialist. But, during these fifteen months, this…
The World Politics of Responsibility by Oscar Gass Americans must never forget that even the most sympathetic associated society will now, quite naturally, approach the United States in…
The Political Economy of the Great Society by Oscar Gass Whoever directs thought toward political forces in the shaping of the economy of the United States, during the century since…
German Unification: Prospects & Merits by Oscar Gass A century ago, one unification of Germany was accomplished. Our Europe of the second half of the 1960's, in which…
Vietnam-Resistance or Withdrawal? by Oscar Gass To resist or to withdraw: these are the alternatives. And they are alternatives which can be variously structured.
Soviet Economic Developments by Oscar Gass This is the second in a series of three articles by Oscar Gass dealing with the changes that have taken…