Judeophobia and Marxism by Robert S. Wistrich The left doesn’t understand anti-Semitism—and it never has.
The Changing Face of Anti-Semitism by Robert S. Wistrich Resilient and adaptable, Jew-hatred travels the globe.
Constantine’s Sword by James Carroll by Robert S. Wistrich The troubled 2,000-year history of relations between the Roman Catholic Church and the Jews has been the subject of numerous…
Haider and His Critics by Robert S. Wistrich As much as the rightist Austrian politician has to answer for, the European governments denouncing him may have more.
The Pope, the Church, and the Jews by Robert S. Wistrich A dramatic betterment in relations cannot mask the failure, so far, to arrive at an honest reckoning with the past.
Helping Hitler by Robert S. Wistrich In the bloodstained history of anti-Semitism, the Holocaust stands out for the comprehensive character of its goal and the systematic…
Albert Speer by Gitta Sereny by Robert S. Wistrich Albert Speer was the epitome of the intelligent technocrat who loyally serves a totalitarian regime.
Hannah Arendt/Martin Heidegger by Elzbieta Ettinger by Robert S. Wistrich Hannah Arendt's love affair with Martin Heidegger began in 1925 at the University of Marburg, shortly after her eighteenth birthday.