Religion, Politics & the Clintons by Terry Eastland From 1980 to 1992, any discussion of religion and politics necessarily focused on the rise of the religious Right and…
The Case Against Anita Hill by Terry Eastland On Friday, September 28, 1991, the Senate Judiciary Committee sent to the full Senate the nomination of Judge Clarence Thomas…
The Limits of Term Limits by Terry Eastland ASIDE from Bill Clinton's victory, certainly the biggest news on election day was the huge support won by the term-limits…
The Life of the Parties, by A. James Reichley by Terry Eastland When Ross Perot announced in July that he was ending (temporarily, as it turned out) his independent bid for the…
The Litigation Explosion, by Walter K. Olson by Terry Eastland “Nothing could be more understandable,” writes Walter K. Olson, “than the urge to escape from today's legal culture.”
Opening Arguments, by Jeffrey Toobin by Terry Eastland n late 1986 a special court named Lawrence E. Walsh as the independent counsel for investigating and prosecuting crimes stemming…
Under God, by Garry Wills by Terry Eastland It Is impossible, Garry Wills contends, to understand American politics apart from religion; yet the media, and most political commentators,…