This was McCain’s night.  After a slow start talking about the financial bailout, McCain put on a remarkable stage show, parading his knowledge of foreign affairs and his 30 years of visiting leaders and faraway places. His recall of names and places was impressive.  So much for the “out-of-touch” argument. He repeatedly called out Obama for his failure to visit countries, hold hearings, or speak out on the largest issues of our times.  At other times, he scolded Obama as naïve, irresponsible, and out of his depth. Obama spent the bulk of his time trying to respond, trying to correct the record, or simply saying “me too.”  And then McCain came back, saying that Obama simply doesn’t understand.

“I have a long record.”  This was McCain’s oft-repeated theme.  It implicitly refuted Obama’s efforts to tie McCain to eight years of George Bush.  After a week of confusion and gimmicks, McCain showed up tonight far more focused and prepared than anyone could possibly have imagined.

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