Whatever efforts may have been underway to muster new support for a UN resolution expanding sanctions against Iran, the just-released National Intelligence Estimate will undercut them. No official responses have yet been formulated in Europe—no doubt, the EU and its member states’ governments will evaluate it and weigh each word carefully–but it would be very surprising if the EU, already lukewarm to the idea of more sanctions, will now renew its efforts to isolate Tehran. The sounds coming from Russia are also ominous. That leaves us with a U.S. government trying to paper over the awkward moment—its Iran policy has just collapsed under the weight of the NIE report—and at least one major question: Iran’s ballistic missile program. That is, the Iranians still have it. Why would they want such delivery machines if they did not intend at some point to load them with biological warheads or other unconventional weaponry?
What Will Europe Do?
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