We get this little nugget from Dana Milbank about Organizing America’s collection of pledges in support of the president’s budget:

CNN and the Huffington Post dutifully reported the DNC’s claim of 642,000 pledges. Network cameras and the BBC showed up to film the operation. “We had one of the big printers downstairs smoking last night,” party spokesman Brad Woodhouse said.

In fact, the canvassing of Obama’s vaunted e-mail list of 13 million people resulted in just 114,000 pledges — a response rate of less than 1 percent. Workers gathered 100,000 more from street canvassing. The DNC got to 642,000 by making three photocopies of each pledge so that each signer’s senators and representative could get one.

That’s a rather cheesy move, and indicative of the difficulty in rallying troops to the president’s policies. It is one thing to elect the Agent of Change. It is quite another to drum up support for a $3.5 trillion budget.

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