Some saner heads ask of the McCain villifiers: “Don’t they care about the greatest issue of our time anymore?” It’s one thing to try to mount an argument that Mitt Romney would be as strong a commander in chief as McCain (no easy task, which explains why they have stopped trying, but a respectable undertaking), but quite another to say, “Oh, Hillary — who we know wants to scramble out of Iraq — would be just as good a President.” You are left to conclude that the most vocal and frenzied voices simply cannot abide by someone who does not love them, as a commentator candidly observed.
Where is Romney in all this? Romney himself seems lost and dwarfed by the fury he has unleashed. He is, after all, nearly irrelevant to the argument which his nominal supporters are making. He is reduced to denigrating another war hero and conservative (not a great candidate, but undeserving of opprobrium from the likes of a man who cannot decide whether he ever wanted to serve in the military): Bob Dole. A few have kept their heads, but not many.