Without the MSM, last night would not have been what it was. By attempting to destroy Sarah Palin and flooding the zone with sewer stories of tawdry gossip, the MSM barons made certain that millions and millions of people not ordinarily inclined to watch tuned in. They created a test, one that was needed, ironically, for a newcomer to pass in order to prove her political bona fides. In short, they primed the pump by adding excitement, building audience and then getting out of the way so viewers and attendees could decide for themselves what they thought of Sarah Palin.
The Democrats have become obsessed with “Karl Rove’s brain” –a symbol of the all-powerful trickster and master of political intrigue. That’s silly. What they need to worry about is Steve Schmidt’s brain.
Oh, and can we all agree now that Sarah Palin was vetted?