In the latest CBS News/New York Times poll, respondents were asked their views of Israel. The numbers should remind American Jews that their loyalty to the Democratic Party is not repaid with fond feelings toward the Jewish state. Among those polled, 15 percent have a very favorable view of Israel, and 40 percent a somewhat favorable view, for a total of 55 percent. Among Republicans that number is 70 percent, while a minority — only 47 percent — of Democrats have a favorable or somewhat favorable view. Likewise, 23 percent of all respondents have an unfavorable or very unfavorable view of Israel, but that number is only 17 percent for Republicans and 27 percent for Democrats.
As was the case in February when a similar partisan divide was reflected in a Gallup poll, one must ask: “Why do they despise their familiars and love The Stranger who hates them — and hates them all the more for their craven pursuit of him?” Indeed, in this case, the ongoing fidelity to the Democratic Party and to Obama himself — and the relatively muted response to the Obami assault on Israel and anemic response to the existential threat to the Jewish state — no doubt encourages the administration to keep at its policy. Robert Gibbs has told us and the president as much — it’s safe to bash our ally.
In sum, Jews remain overwhelmingly faithful to the party and a president who has been the most destructive to the U.S.-Israel relationship since the founding of the Jewish state. (Seriously, who comes close?) Israel had better find more ardent supporters than American Jews, for they plainly don’t have Israel’s security as their top priority.