Lawrence Eagleburger, former Secretary of State, has a different view from some in the conservative intelligentsia about the appeal of Barack Obama. He certainly doesn’t pull any punches. Although not captured in this segment, he went on pointedly to distance himself from his former colleague Colin Powell, opining that Powell’s endorsement of Obama had more to do with Powell’s dislike of George W. Bush than anything else.

It is of course only the MSM’s Obama-infatuation and the fixation on race that have elevated the Powell endorsement above those of all other former secretaries of state. Eagleburger seems quite immune to the social pressures of the Georgetown cocktail set or the excitement of a “transformative” presidency. He seems more interested electing someone who might follow the principles and policies Eagleburger has worked a lifetime to promote. Naturally, the MSM isn’t much interested in that sort of thing.

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