The first of many Sarah Palin advice columns — or are they job applications? — from Republican communications advisors.
Maybe Joe Biden was talking to Nicholas Sarkozy. The latter seems pretty worried about an Obama administration’s policy on Iran. “Utterly immature” he calls it, according to this report.
You gotta love how the Obama camp characterizes a story about their candidate’s own words on the Supreme Court and the redistribution of wealth a “fake news story.” That’s because all the “real” ones talk about his record of bipartisan deal making, his record of standing up to his own party, and his legendary opposition to the Daley machine. That’s the bizzarro political world we now inhabit.
This is what troopers do — they carry on in less than ideal circumstances. A good example for the McCain staff.
Bret Stephens asks: “And so the question remains: If elected, which Obama do we get? The nuanced centrist or the man from Ben and Jerry’s?”
David Bernstein dissects the “redistributive” radio remarks. I agree it’s clear that, for practical reasons, Obama doesn’t favor the judicial route, but it’s also clear that the goal of redistributing wealth is dear to Obama.
In what other election did you see “reporters” defending one candidate from inquiries about his own record and words?
Glenn Reynolds asks if we could do worse than these two presidential candidates. Oh, I think we have, and we will again.
Virginia Attorney General Bob McDonnell issues an opinion requiring that those military ballots be counted. McDonnell, it should be noted, will be the GOP candidate for Governor in next year’s election.
Fox is the only outlet apparently which is willing to go toe-to-toe with the Obama camp. Give that woman a gold star: she holds her ground, she has her facts, and she asks hard questions. Sort of like a reporter.
Awash in money, no transparency, intimidating political enemies — sounds like Richard Nixon. Hey, he had the same moniker (“Nixon’s the One!”), albeit without the messianic inference.
A former editor-in-chief of Ms. magazine thinks Palin is one smart pol. According to this Democrat, Palin has “a mind that is thoughtful, curious, with a discernable pattern of associative thinking and insight. Palin asks questions, and probes linkages and logic that bring to mind a quirky law professor I once had.”
Not the best delivery, but McCain gets the message out. The word for the last week of the campaign is “Redistribution.”
James Taranto asks readers to guess the international crisis Obama wouldn’t necessarily get “right.” Now I’m really nervous.
Joe the Campaigner? I think it worked better when he was an average guy and free agent.