Is AIG going to tip the NY-20 to the GOP? It has at least flummoxed the Democratic candidate.
The ADL and the Simon Wisenthal Center denounced Pat Oliphant’s anti-Semitic cartoon. I must have missed the condemnation of hate speech by the Left.
Kimberely Strassel cautions that card check may be dead but the “compromises” have just begun. Perhaps we should take a breather and ask what problem it is we were trying to solve. Did the unionized workforce go from 35% to 8% against the will of American workers?
Mickey Kaus pulls back the curtain on JournoList and it’s not pretty. Apparently the Lefty bloggers spend their time engaged in foul mouthed, petty gossip (I know, not exactly a shocker).
A reminder that Democrats never keep their middle class tax cut promises. They like government spending too much to give up the revenue.
Rick Santorum won’t be helping Arlen Specter this time. More critical for Specter is that more than one challenger enter the primary, carving up the “anybody but Specter” vote.
The president said yesterday we’re going to keep losing jobs for a while. That’s funny since he sold his stimulus plan on keeping unemployment below 8%. I guess it didn’t work.
Secretary of Education Arne Duncan is going to force South Carolina to take that stimulus money no matter what — unless of course Governor Mark Sanford wants to use it to reduce the state’s debt. I suppose the feds don’t think they can really get the legislature to force Sanford to take the money. Yeah, the courts might want to enforce the Constitution, the Tenth Amendment and all that sort of stuff.
Will Congress demand Rahm Emanuel give back his $320,000 from Freddie Mac? After all, on his watch Freddie Mac engaged in all sort of shenanigans and contributed to the housing meltdown. Should he be rewarded for this? Just asking.
Joe Biden commits a Michael Kinsley gaffe — inadvertently telling the truth — when he proclaims it too early to say the economy has hit bottom. He must not have gotten the “No more gloom-and-doom” memo which is the current White House PR directive.
Max Baucus and Nancy Pelosi were at loggerheads about using the reconciliation process (which needs only 51 votes for passage and avoids a filibuster) to pass health care. Pelosi just wants “to ram it through Congress with only Democratic votes.” Steny Hoyer indicates Baucus succeeded in staring her down. Hey, if Baucus can, maybe Obama can now and then!
Were the Pestering . . .er. . . Organizing America people successful? Not so much. 10,000 canvassers from an email list of 14 million. Hmm. (They got 100,000 pledges of support for the budget which is almost the number of people who submitted questions for the online townhall.) Hey, it’s not easy rounding up enthusiasm for a $3.6 trillion budget which leaves us swimming in red ink.
The politicization of the Obama Justice Department has now caught the attention of the Wall Street Journal.