Gotta love how the punditocracy brushes off those “low information voters.” The thing is, lots of voters (most maybe?) fit that bill and they don’t seem to like Barack Obama all that much. (And is someone who perceives Obama as an arrogant, inexperienced elitist a “low information” voter or “high EQ” voter?)
Give that reporter a prize for the temerity to ask a real question of The One. The stammering response suggests He doesn’t get very many.
Or maybe it’s all about energy. John McCain is getting his share of local good press on that issue. So maybe those polls are being moved by “enough information” voters.
If this is right, it is very good news. Obama wants to focus on Afghanistan but with a hot war brewing there does that just reinforce the need for an experienced commander-in-chief?
Not all Democrats want to go down with the “no drilling” ship. Especially not senators from Red states.
This could be the one bright spot in the dismal Senate landscape for the GOP.
In case you needed more evidence that Los Angeles is doing its fair share in the decline of western civilization. Which reminds me– where is the Obama kids’ dog? They should never trust a politician to keep his word.
Did you every think “viral” and McCain would be in a paragraph that didn’t have to do with germs? (As an aside, a pretty good way to defuse the age issue is to appear funnier and more irreverent than The One Who Shall Not Laugh.)
Obama doubles down on the race card. This seems crazy — is this going to help with working class voters, women, ex-Hillary supporters, Hispanics and other groups he’ll need to bring into the fold? I have to agree with First Read: ” Let’s get something straight: Anytime race is THE topic du jour in the campaign, it’s a bad day for Obama. Period.”
Even the fan club is queasy.
Forget Gallup, this is the poll I’m following. (h/t Volokh Conspiracy)
George Will senses ” fatigue from too much of Obama’s eloquence, which is beginning to sound formulaic and perfunctory” and gives Obama advice: “Enough, already, with the we-are-who-we-have-been-waiting-for rhetorical cotton candy that elevates narcissism to a political philosophy.” But what if that’s all he’s got?
“You don’t say?” headline of the day: “Democrats Anxious For Obama To Widen Lead.”