More push-back from former Bush advisors on release of the enhanced interrogation memos. And attorney David Rifkin of the Council on Foreign Relations argues that the memos show “use of these techniques does not inflict either physical or psychological damage,” and, therefore, we were not “torturing” terrorists.
Mark Steyn: “Asked about the tea parties, President Obama responded that he was not aware of them. As Marie Antoinette said, ‘Let them drink Lapsang Souchong.’ His Imperial Majesty at Barackingham Palace having declined to acknowledge the tea parties, his courtiers at the Globe and elsewhere fell into line. Talk-show host Michael Graham spoke to one attendee at the 2009 Boston Tea Party who remarked of the press embargo: ‘If Obama had been the King of England, the Globe wouldn’t have covered the American revolution.'” Funny how a former community organizer takes so little interest in Americans rousing themselves in big and small towns in every corner of the country.
The president of the United States sits through a 50 minute anti-American diatribe from Daniel Ortega and can’t bring himself to criticize it. Instead he makes small talk. Shameful. We are now the punching bag of the world and every tinpot dictator can flail away with no fear of reprisal or even criticism.
Even when the administration does the right thing — boycotting Durban II— it can’t resist the grovel. We “regret” not attending (why?) and we’re “deeply grateful” for the cosmetic language changes.
Newt Gingrich says the grip-and-grin with Hugo Chavez is par for the course. The real danger, he says, is the propaganda victory for Chavez and the signal to other dictators.
The administration seems a bit embarrassed by the Chavez photo op now. Well, if it wasn’t a “bow” maybe they can say it wasn’t handshake. Or a broad grin. Or a friendly arm on the shoulder.
Victor Davis Hanson writes: “So far all the Obama apologies for the sins of his own country (note always before he came on the scene), the serial “Bush did it” invective, the promises of a brave new Obama transnational world, the evocation of his middle name, and non-traditional lineage, and shared demagoguery against “them” (Wall Street, the greedy, the unpatriotic who make over the mythical trip wire $250,000), have not, and will not, change much abroad. Has Cuba promised to release prisoners, or apologized for all those killed? Has Chavez vowed to restore constitutional governance and quit subversion of his neighbors?”
Timing is everything: “The flagging economy could put a damper on New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine’s (D) bid for a second term as the former Wall Street executive’s net worth plummeted amid an ailing stock market.Corzine, who has spent liberally in bids for senator in 2000 and governor in 2005, reported a gross income of negative $2.75 million in 2008 thanks to losses he suffered in the stock market. Corzine owes no taxes this year because of his losses.” Probably a good time to leave “Wall Street wizard” out of the TV ad.
Even the New York Times is miffed: “The House investigation of Representative Charles Rangel’s ethical gaffes and misdeeds was supposed to be completed in January, by the initial estimate of Speaker Nancy Pelosi. But the inquiry blithely rolls forward in secrecy — except for the recent disclosure that the ever feckless ethics committee has been without a chief counsel for the last eight months.” And the Times doesn’t even mention the PMA Group scandal or Chris Dodd.
And because life is filled with unexpected joy, watch this. And then find out what it’s about.