Hard to argue with this: “My mother in-law can nag me about my tire pressure. But my mother-in-law lacks the ability to green-light more nuclear power plants or offshore drilling. ”
Good grief–Geneva?? If The One (“L’Un”?) goes, we know Karl Rove has infiltrated the Obama camp.
The Washington Post gets everything but the word “the” wrong. If they insist on sticking with the reporter who got two stories wrong (oddly, both anti-McCain pieces–who’d have thought?) perhaps they can hire Amanda Carpenter as his editor.
Did the Ego Trip help Barack Obama’s poll numbers on Iraq and the war on terror? Nope. The opposite.
I am not sure why people are confused: Obama was for Dick Cheney before he was against him.
Wow — it’s almost like a democracy. If this whole epsiode doesn’t save half a dozen or more seats for the Republicans nothing will. And now they’re talking two more weeks. Imagine if they had been this effective for the last 18 months.
Liberal bloggers discover that “big moneymen” are keeping Obama afloat. How exactly are his politics any newer than the Clintons’?
Will those poll numbers send Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats rushing back to Washington? In August? During the Olympics? Not a chance.
An “Economic Surge.” Not many people thought “surge” would be a good metaphor for McCain.
From blog readers and mainstream media outlets we learn that Mr. Suskind’s book might not have gotten everything right. Or any of it.
Only half of those polled have heard too much about Obama? Must mean the other half is dying for more. Time to cut some new rock videos, do another European tour and pack some more arenas, right? Only in the fondest dreams of the anti-celebrity brigade at McCain headquarters.
This seems like a pretty big deal to be left to the sports page. And this one too: now they are banning chaplains (other than employees of the Chines government) from the Olympic village? But really, no one should be surprised.
Yeah, lots of politicians have an ego. But then there is the Ego. I don’t recall George W. Bush or Al Gore in 2000 imprinting their campaign airplane chair with “President,” setting up a transition team in July, doing a campaign rally in Europe, or unleashing a weird personality cult.