If you thought the “skinny” analysis was bizarre get a load of this. Tip for Obama fans: when you make your candidate into a messiah-like figure, create totalitarian iconography and celebrate your candidate’s gibberish as if it were sacred text you are asking for it. Ross Douthat pretty much says it all. (And just ignore the halo.)
And after a while voters begin to think you are just “insane.”
Jon Ralston joins the ABC debate moderators in the Left’s hall of fame of villiany: Thou Shalt Not Ask Hard Questions.
You have to love how the liberal pundits repackage Obama’s vapid mush as “nuance.” (Test: what nuance exactly is he driving at ? What secret ambiguity is he exploring? Puleez — he said as little as possible suggesting he hasn’t a clue what to do or what is going on.) One can only imagine how he would have reacted to Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait. (“Everyone should just take a deep breath.”)
A pithy critique of Obama from McCain’s radio address: “America is finally winning in Iraq, and he wants to forfeit. Government is too big, and he wants to grow it. Taxes are too high, and he wants to raise them. Congress spends too much, and he proposes more. We need more energy, and he’s against producing it.” (Sounds like an ad, doesn’t it?)
The media: more sanctimonious than John Edwards. (And of all the people to whom Edwards owes an apology self-deluded liberal bloggers rank pretty low.) Meanwhile, the “no kidding” headline award goes to this one.
Mr. Suskind’s reporting appears to be less reliable than the National Enquirer’s.
I’d also like to hear what Obama thinks of Leftists knee-capping Republican donors.
While the media obsesses on a story they said was irrelevant a day earlier , there is a real war — a new one. Condi Rice’s language gets tougher. “Be calm” apparently didn’t work.