Joe Lieberman slays David Shuster’s “Hypocrisy Watch.” It was becoming “Apology Watch.” Good riddance.

Nancy Pelosi’s poll numbers have been diving ever since she became Speaker.

Dennis Prager explains exactly how and why Senator Boxer is so embarrassing.

Perhaps the electorate didn’t shift to the left as the Obama team had hoped. In the Washington Post-ABC poll, voters favor smaller government with fewer services over bigger government with more services by a 54-41% margin. And 87% are concerned about the deficit.

They should have thought of this first: “Some Chinese Muslims detained at Guantanamo Bay are hesitant about accepting this tiny Pacific nation’s offer to take them in because they fear it cannot shield them from China, Palau’s president said Tuesday. .  . The Uighurs, who knew nothing about Palau, grew anxious after they saw the country on a map and its relative proximity to China — although the islands lie deep in the Pacific Ocean, more than 1,700 miles (2,735 kilometers) southeast of the Chinese coast.” The U.S. officials didn’t mention that? Oh, they say the Uighurs have nothing to worry about and don’t need security. If they say so.

Speaking of tanking popularity: “TVNewser has learned the CBS Evening News has once again set an all-time low last week with 4.89 million Total Viewers and 1.42 million A25-54 viewers. But it was also the lowest (since records began in the 1991-’92 season) for ABC’s World News with Charles Gibson. The Gibson program drew 6.42 million Total Viewers and 1.77 million A25-54 viewers.” Maybe Obama should have picked cheerleaders with more staying power.

Harry Reid is less popular than John Ensign in Nevada. And in this swing state Obama’s approval/disapproval rating is 47-50%. Perhaps they dislike financial irresponsibility more than infidelity there.

And Independents, the mother lode of politics, don’t like what they see. Gerald Seib writes: “Among these people, who tend to reside in the middle of the ideological spectrum, the president’s job-approval rating fell to 45% from 60% in April. . .  They are markedly more worried about the federal budget deficit as an economic issue than are Americans in general, and they are more likely to be skeptical of Mr. Obama’s plan for a health-care overhaul. Above all, though, independents are starting to simply view the president as more liberal than they expected. The share of independents who say Mr. Obama is a liberal has risen to a substantial 64% from 46% two months ago. A large portion of them actually classify him as ‘very liberal.'”

Clinton toils in the shadows, ” says the headline. Translation: she’s a nobody in an administration which wanted to marginalize competing power centers.

So what does she do? Sidney Blumenthal — attack dog and shameless Clinton promoter — to the rescue.

Another one for the political party cognitive dissonance file: “Forty-eight percent (48%) of U.S. voters say the president’s Middle Eastern policy is about right, but 35% say he is not supportive enough of Israel. Just 10% think the president is being too supportive of Israel in his efforts to achieve Mideast peace. Sixty-three percent (63%) of Republicans say Obama is not being supportive enough of Israel, but 78% of Democrats say his policy is about right. Unaffiliated voters are much more closely divided between those two positions.”

Since the administration has punted on immigration reform a private citizen, Helen Krieble, is trying her own “Red Card” plan. Maybe all of the people uninvited (or not sure they were invited) to the White House for a meeting about its unseriousness about immigration reform can go talk to Ms. Krieble.

Eric Cantor’s spokesman doesn’t think much of the July 4 BBQ with the mullahs’ representatives: “This is just the latest example of an Administration so desperate to keep a campaign promise that it will celebrate our own Independence Day with the agents of a regime that supports terror and brutalizes its own people.”

CNN grills David Axelrod on the topic. Doesn’t he know “it’s about a lot more than having a hot dog?”

The ABC News President is deeply offended, it seems, that anyone considers their in-White House coverage of the president’s top domestic issue “slanted.” Well they never accorded this much coverage from within the White House for any other president’s top legislative priority. Ever. But here is a suggestion to quiet even the angriest critics: Have Jake Tapper ask the president questions all day long. That’d be fair.

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