Remember when the Left used to come to the defense of oppressed victims of violence? Now they debate whether even nice words of support are too much. As Marty Pertez describes their view: Russia is “a great power. . . so shut up.”

Whose voice is missing from the daily discussion about American policy? Hint: the fellow who can’t decide whether to criticize or agree with his opponent. But he’s got more pressing things to do. (Even CNN noticed.)

The Washington Post editors nail it: when did support for democracy (real indigenous democracy) and self-determination become so unfashionable? The Left is so consumed by Bush Derangement Syndrome that it has abandoned its historic posture of opposition to imperialistic bullies.

It’s not the issue, it’s the dishonesty that will get you. Like the “present” votes, it bespeaks an unwillingness to take the heat for his own votes.

More “celebrity” ad material.

A compelling critique by John McCain of his opponent: “It’s just an example–they politicize these issues without understanding that national security is not something that’s a political issue. Same thing with the surge. It’s in keeping with sort of the path that they’ve been on–to politicize national security for their perceived short term political interests.” Barack Obama has brought this on himself with his odd approach to international affairs (e.g. reject success Iraq and blame McCain, of all people, for Russian aggression), making him look simultaneously craven and irresolute.

So far Tim Kaine and Evan Bayh lack speaking spots at the Convention, suggesting one of them will get the VP nod. Compensate for lack of experience or double down on the lack of credentials and hope voters really don’t care? Things might look different after the invasion of Georgia. But only the most-shortsighted candidate would have assumed that the next four years would be without serious international challenges, right?

Wise words from Ross Douthat: don’t delude yourself about the candidates’ positions on abortion. Obama, as we know now from his Illinois voting record and from his stringent opposition to the Supreme Court’s partial birth abortion ruling, is a pro-choice absolutist. McCain is equally forthright on the type of judges he will appoint (although it is not at all clear whether his model Justices Roberts and Alito will be inclined to reverse Roe v. Wade.)

If Andrew Sullivan is depressed maybe Obama should rethink his ads.

Every conservative writer’s dream: have the New York Times bash your book.

One problem with playing the race card in the election: voters fear there will be no end to it.

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