Now the town-hall protesters are “evil-mongers” according to Sen. Harry Reid. One wonders if they are trying to be offensive or if they simply can’t help themselves.

Mike Huckabee will be speaking at the East Jerusalem hotel, which was the subject of a recent fit of pique from the Obama administration. It is actually a team: Huckabee and Hikind—”‘This is an opportunity to shine the spotlight on Obama’s policy in Jerusalem, which has just been a horror,’ New York State Assemblyman Dov Hikind told The Jerusalem Post.”

Mary Robinson thinks that Durban got a bad rap. So much for the spinners who suggested she had been a Durban critic.

The Wall Street Journal editors on Obama’s senior problem: “Elderly Americans are turning out in droves to fight ObamaCare, and President Obama is arguing back that they have nothing to worry about. Allow us to referee. While claims about euthanasia and ‘death panels’ are over the top, senior fears have exposed a fundamental truth about what Mr. Obama is proposing: Namely, once health care is nationalized, or mostly nationalized, rationing care is inevitable, and those who have lived the longest will find their care the most restricted.”

ObamaCare has done wonders for the party’s reputation on health care—it just so happens that it is the Republican party. “For the first time in over two years of polling, voters trust Republicans slightly more than Democrats on the handling of the issue of health care. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that voters favor the GOP on the issue 44% to 41%.”

Meanwhile, Obama’s approval rating dropped to an all-time low of 47 percent in Rasmussen.

And it’s not only Rasmussen: shows his favorable/unfavorable margin across all polls narrowing again.

Politico asks: “Are Dems losing August?” Ya think?

The Washington Post opines that Arlen Specter’s angry performance at a health-care town hall was a turning point. If so, it seems to be for worse. He now trails his potential Republican challenger by double digits. And his unfavorable rating is up to 54 percent.

Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren reminds us that while Obama is obsessing over settlements, real and meaningful progress is being made on the West Bank. “The West Bank’s economic improvements contrast with the lack of diplomatic progress on the creation of a Palestinian state. Negotiators focus on the ‘top down’ issues, grappling with legal and territorial problems. But the West Bank’s population is building sovereignty from the bottom-up, forging the law-enforcement, civil, and financial institutions that form the underpinnings of any modern polity. The seeds of what Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has called ‘economic peace’ are, in fact, already blossoming in the commercial skyline of Ramallah.” Were the Obama administration not blinded by its own spin and not devoted to creating “daylight” between itself and Israel, this might be worthy of attention—or even praise.

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